If your child is entitled to funding you can take advantage of a full time place at a substantially reduced rate.
Free Lunches, Snacks, Afternoon Tea, Milk & Drinks
We take nutrition very seriously and ensure that every child enjoys healthy and nutritious well balanced meals and snacks, all provided free of charge. All meals are freshly prepared on the premises by our fully qualified dedicated chef, in our FSA 5* awarded kitchen.
Parents can be certain that the food their children are eating at nursery is freshly prepared using quality ingredients. In addition to the above we also include formula milk, bottles, teething biscuits/rings and wipes.
Free Introductory 'Settling In' Period
The importance of developing a positive relationship between our staff and parents can never be underestimated. After all, we want to create a happy, nurturing atmosphere conducive to your child's development and wellbeing. This is one of the reasons Buttons offer a free 2 hour 'settling in' period to ensure that your child's transition to nursery goes as smoothly as possible. Your child will also be given the opportunity to try out one of our delicious meals prepared by our chef in our 5* awarded kitchen. Introductory sessions are designed to introduce your child to the nursery gradually and give you the opportunity to discuss your child's individual requirements with us.
Flexible Hourly Rates
Doctors appointment? Dentist appointment? Extra work hours? Or do you just need some 'me time'? Buttons realise that parents lead busy lives. Therefore unlike other nurseries we offer parents a flexible hourly rate of just £7.55 for these type of scenarios. Children that are enrolled with us can benefit from 'crèche like' childcare charged by the hour, providing there is suitable staff cover.
Tax Free Childcare
Save up to £2000 per year or approximately £168 per month with tax free childcare. We are registered with HM Government for tax free childcare. For every £8 a parent/carer pays in to their childcare account, the government will add £2. This equates to 20% saving. For more information or to register visit www.childcare.tax.service.gov.uk
Childcare Voucher Savings
You can save an additional £2916 per year or £243 per month as we accept most childcare vouchers. Speak to the Nursery Manager and ask your employer if they operate a childcare voucher scheme. Many do!
Childcare Vouchers
We accept most childcare vouchers. If your employer operates a childcare voucher scheme you can save Income Tax and National Insurance. Currently you can claim a maximum of £243.00 per month through this scheme. This amount is deducted from your gross salary by your employer before Income Tax and National Insurance.
Child Tax Credits/Working Tax Credits
Families can claim Child Tax Credit if you have children. You may also be able to apply for Working Tax Credits. How much you receive will depend on your individual circumstances. Contact the tax credits helpline on 0845 300 3900 or visit the Tax Credits Online Calculator
Buttons Nursery are proud to support the following charities:
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